Monday 18 June 2012

 Celebrations - Birthdays: Abah (16th May), Mama (2nd June), Miktang (13th June), Me (15th June), Abimi (27th June), Muiz (30th June).
Wedding Anniversary Abah & Mama (7th June)

I just turned 19, and the celebration was one of the most special moment ever happened in my life. For the first time in my life, I introduced my Izat Jaris to my big family. At first, I admit, I was hell nervous. But Alhamdulillah everything went out smoothly. My family warmly welcomed him, especially my bros :) Surely diorg mesti ngam punyalah nanti. Hihi. Even Mama and Abah were having good conversation with him. Actually, Mama was the one insisting me to invite him. Macam tak percaya kan? Hihi

Years ago, talking about love is something that is almost prohibited among my family members. Study is our priority. My sisters and brothers secretly having boyfriends and girlfriends. Ehem ehemm me too actually. Alhamdulillah, as everybody grows up, we are getting more mature about lovey dovey things. Mama dah boleh terima yang anak anak dia ni dah besar, dah gatal nak kawen. Hihi. Abah pun cool je. :) 

But then I realised something. This kind of maturity has brought our family closer and happier. Kalau time gathering tu ada je benda nak gossip. Pasal boyfriend org tu lahh, pasal girlfriend org ni lahh. And anybody yang broke up will always have the chance to talk and discuss about his/her relationship with the family members. Wonderful! 

Last but not least, thanks to my bro Abimi for the MANGO Shopping Bag :) Looking forward for  sponsorship from you for more family events. Hihi. Kerja Petronas kann, kene la sponsor lebih sikit :P I ended up my post with my favourite words,



  1. The moment I saw Izat face in the photo- Hell was I stunned! Finally girl! :) I'm so happy it turned out so well for both of you! Don't ever take this opportunity for granted! May you both get married soon and take up the responsibility you both longed for! Becoming a happy husband and wife! Aamiin!~

  2. thanks Anonymous ;) InsyaAllah :)


